Management of Globefxtrade Portfolios
Performance of Globefxtrade
The best strategies listed at Globefxtrade of independent traders from over 100 countries.
Invest in demoInvest in liquid alpha strategies
Globefxtradeare liquid assets uncorrelated with the market = liquid alpha. Professional investment funds assign 5-10% of their portfolio to liquid alpha assets.
The Globefxtrade backtesting tool shows the return, the P&L, the performance and management fees and the final equity that any Globefxtrade investment porfolio would have generated. Set the starting date of the simulation, the invested capital and the leverage.
Model portfolio
Create your first portfolio at Globefxtrade with virtual funds using our backtesting tool. Select Globefxtrade, evaluate past return/risk ratios and monitor the portfolio's evolution over time. This gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the platform without risking any capital.
Globefxtrade | Weight | Quote |
- Period 2 years
- Gross return -- %
- Return after M. and Perf. fees -- %
Discover liquid alpha strategies
Globefxtrade lists a diverse range of short and long-term trading strategies. Their underlying instruments include currencies, stocks, commodities and/or indices. Strategies trade both long and short their underlying markets, thus making them uncorrelated with traditional investment alternatives.